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Image by Damian Zaleski

Why Use 10 Dollar Solo Ads
Responsive Email Advertising

I want you to think about something for a moment.


"Imagine waking up every morning to not just a handful, but a steady stream of high-quality prospects visiting your website on autopilot."


"Your business could skyrocket to new heights, reaching more potential customers than ever before. Each lead is a potential opportunity for growth, a chance to showcase your products or services to someone who is already interested. Don't miss out on this incredible chance to transform your business and watch it thrive."

What is included?

What is included

Geo-targeting is a key feature of, allowing businesses to direct their ads to specific geographic locations. This precision targeting ensures that ads are seen by the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. By tailoring campaigns to specific regions, businesses can optimize their advertising budget and maximize their return on investment.


In addition to geo-targeting, we offer advanced campaign tracking tools to help businesses monitor the performance of their ads in real time. By tracking key metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and engagement levels, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve results.


One of the standout features of our platform is its free professional ad writing service for email ad campaigns. Crafting compelling ad copy is essential for capturing the attention of potential customers and driving action. With our team of experienced copywriters, businesses can access high-quality ad content tailored to their specific needs, saving time and resources while ensuring the success of their email campaigns.

How Does it Work?

How Does It Work
  1. Select Your Ad Targeting: Explore our wide array of targeting options. Our experts are ready to assist you in choosing the best category to enhance your campaign, or you have the freedom to make your own selections. We exclusively market to the most current and engaged potential customers.

  2. Effortless Process: We present your ad to our engaged email lists. These lists consist of active buyers and leads with a track record of conversions. Your ad is delivered directly to recipients' inboxes using top-tier mailing servers to ensure high deliverability rates.

  3. Premium Traffic Quality: Decide which countries to target for your campaign (such as the USA or Tier 1 nations). All prospects on our lists undergo human verification to guarantee accuracy, providing you with top-quality human traffic. Each campaign includes a third-party tracking link for your convenience, or you can use your own.

  4. Expert Ad Copywriting: Access our skilled ad writers who are on hand to craft compelling ads for you at no additional cost. Our copywriters are among the industry's finest, capable of elevating your advertisements to new heights.

  5. Swift & Supportive Customer Service: With over 15 years of experience in the field, our team is well-versed and ready to assist you at any time. Expect rapid and friendly support that caters to all your requirements.

Click a Plan Below To See Pricing

Price Plans
Image by Katie Harp

Your ad sent to 6,000 new prospects every week. Ad targeting, campaign tracking, and professional ads included. This is a subscription payment, you will automatically be billed monthly for the campaign.

Image by Milad Fakurian
Image by Milad Fakurian

Your ad sent to 3,000 new prospects every week. Ad targeting, campaign tracking, and professional ads included. This is a subscription payment, you will automatically be billed monthly for the campaign.

Image by Susan Wilkinson

Your ad sent to 2,000 new prospects every month. Ad targeting, campaign tracking, and professional ads included. This is a subscription payment, you will automatically be billed monthly for the campaign.

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